TPAM Asian Dramaturgs Network Meeting 2017
Published by Nessa Roque,

The video is finally here! I presented the dramaturgical practices of Sipat Lawin Ensemble and my work as the dramaturg of “Gobyerno" at the Asian Dramaturgs' Network in TPAM - Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama last February. Obviously, I was super nervous, speaking four times faster than I had rehearsed in my room. But seriously, honored to have had this opportunity to share the work that we do and learn, learn, learn.
Thank you 国際交流基金アジアセンター The Japan Foundation Asia Center, The Japan Foundation, Manila, Centre 42, and the Asian Dramaturgs' Network!
In this panel, the four speakers, CHARLENE RAJENDRAN, DAVID PLEDGER, KEN TAKIGUCHI, and NESS ROQUE, drew from their experiences in discussing issues that dealt either with the interventions of the intercultural or the interdisciplinary in their work and artistic practice.00:02:50 NESS ROQUE00:23:20 DAVID PLEDGER00:51:08 CHARLENE RAJENDRAN01:12:55 KEN TAKIGUCHI01:40:16 Q&AThis panel was moderated by SANKAR VENKATESWARAN.